Men's Heath




Prostate Cancer

In recent times there have been a few high-profile cases of prostate cancer.

This has naturally resulted in an increase in men wishing to have their prostate checked and to have the relevant blood tests.

Our team are always happy to help answer questions and arrange appropriate investigations where required.

Prostate Cancer UK provide some information on the prostate and the types of tests available




Testicular lumps and pain

If you notice a new lump in a testicle, it is important to book an appointment with a GP. There are a few causes of testicular lumps and many are not serious.

The following information outlines what we look for and what you can typically expect.

Sudden onset testicular pain could be a sign of testicular torsion and this should always be looked at by a medical professional promptly.

See when it is more appropriate to go to A&E or see your GP.


Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction refers to difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection. It is a relatively common condition in men over the age of 40.

Here is some information regarding the condition.