Teenage Services




We are a Young Person Friendly Surgery.  This means that we have been able to demonstrate quality standards in the care of young people. 


Our doctors and nurses offer appointments in confidence to discuss any health issue, such as:

  • skin problems
  • puberty and periods
  • relationships
  • sexuality
  • family problems
  • contraception
  • stress or depression
  • eating problems
  • bullying / abuse
  • loneliness
  • friendships
  • alcohol / drugs / smoking

image representing teenage services


Young Persons Information

We are always keen to know how we could improve the services that we provide for Young People and your feedback is extremely important to us. If there are any suggestions or concerns that you would like to bring to our attention please do not hestitate to contact us at the surgery.


Chlamydia Testing 

Did you know that 1 in 12 young people test positive for chlamydia but show no symptoms? 

Get a Free Test


Seeing a Doctor or Nurse

You may find some of the recommended sources of information listed below useful.  But WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU.  Making an appointment to see a doctor or nurse is easy just contact the surgery on 01984 632701. If you are 16 or over you can also apply for online access to your medical records to book appointments electronically through Patient Access or the NHS App.

You can make an appointment to see a nurse or a doctor IN CONFIDENCE about ANY health issue at all.




Anything you discuss with any member of our practice team will remain confidential. Even if you are under 16 nothing will be said to anyone without your permisssion. All of the staff at the surgery from the receptionist to the doctor all have a duty to respect your confidentiality. The only reason we might have to consider passing on confidential information without your permission, would be to protect you or someone else from serious harm. We would always try to discuss this with you first.

You can make an appointment to see a doctor or nurse in confidence by contacting the reception desk. If you prefer not to disclose why you are requesting to be seen just tell the receptionist that it is a personal matter, but please be assured that all of our staff are trained to deal with sensitive issues professionally.


What If I Don't Feel Able To Come Into The Surgery?

If you don't feel comfortable in coming into to the surgery for any reason, maybe you are embarrased, concerned that you will be seen or worried that you or your family might know the members of staff that you may meet, then you can phone and ask to speak to any doctor or nurse in confidence.

If you feel unable to do that, but need help or advice immediately, then you can contact one of the other practices in the area and ask to see a clinician there. Simply phone one of the surgeries from the list below and advise them that you need to see a clinician in confidence.

 Dunster & Porlock Surgeries  01643 821244
 Exmoor Medical Centre  01398 323333
 Minehead Medical Centre  01643 703441

If you need help now from a doctor or nurse, we are happy to see you even if this is not your usual GP Practice. 


Information Boards For Young People

We also have an information board in each surgery dedicated to young person's health issues and concerns. This not only contains a good deal of useful information, but a range of support numbers that you can contact in confidence should you prefer to seek advice from outside the surgery.


Do You Have Views About How We Could Make Our Service Better?

Do you think we could do something better? Would you be interested in getting involved in helping the practice improve services for our patients and young people in particular?  We are always looking for young volunteers to join our Patient Group. If you think you might be interested, please have a look at the Patient Group Area of our website for more information.


Useful Sources of Information For Young People